Load Performance
GET Requests · The number of requests for resources to load the page. top-shop.ro made 196 requests for various resources. The average is 170 requests to load a page.
JavaScript Requests · The number of .js files that were loaded. top-shop.ro made 96 requests for external JavaScript files. The average JavaScript file load is 55.
Stylesheet Requests · The number of .css files that were loaded. top-shop.ro made 1 requests for StyleSheets. The average CSS file request load is 7.
Document Size · The total amount of data transferred when loading top-shop.ro was 2,002,997 bytes. The average is 2,247,876 bytes.
HTML Size · The size of the main HTML page for top-shop.ro was 16,776 bytes. The average is 45,845 bytes.
Maximum Server Latency · The worse delay in time when connecting to resources on the page. top-shop.ro worse server latency is 5827.14ms. The average worse server latency is 228.45ms.
Maximum Round Trip Time · The worse case RTT time for the furthest away resource on the page. top-shop.ro worse RTT is 1282.04ms. The average worse RTT is 71.19ms. All tests are carried out from Eastern USA.